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Cris Collinsworth Net Worth: A Journey from NFL Stardom to Broadcasting and Business

Cris Collinsworth Net Worth

Cris Collinsworth Net Worth

Cris Collinsworth is more than just a legendary wide receiver who graced the NFL. With a net worth of approximately $25 million as of 2023, his transition to a successful sports commentator and entrepreneur has been nothing short of remarkable. In this article, we’ll dive into the life and career of Cris Collinsworth, exploring his earnings, investments, real estate, and philanthropic work.

Collinsworth’s Path to Wealth

NFL Career

Cris Collinsworth’s journey to financial success began in the NFL. A wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals from 1981 to 1988, Collinsworth left his mark on the field with three Pro Bowl honors. His contributions in the NFL laid the foundation for his prosperous future.

Calling the Shots

Broadcasting Career

After retiring from professional football, Cris Collinsworth seamlessly transitioned into the world of sports commentary. With over four decades of experience, he’s become one of the most beloved and recognized commentators in the industry. His insightful commentary can be heard on networks such as NBC, Showtime, and the NFL Network. With his expertise, he’s successfully negotiated a contract with NBC, earning a substantial $12.5 million annually.

Beyond the Microphone


Cris Collinsworth is not just a commentator; he’s also an entrepreneur. He’s the majority owner and CEO of Pro Football Focus (PFF), an NFL data technology company that provides in-depth performance statistics. In a significant business move, PFF sold a minority stake to Silver Lake Partners for $50 million. The true value of the company remains undisclosed, but Collinsworth’s involvement in PFF has undoubtedly added to his net worth.

Life Beyond Finances

A Home to Call His Own

Collinsworth resides in Fort Thomas, Kentucky, with his family. He and his wife, Holly Bankemper, designed a unique compound, featuring a 7,000-square-foot main home, a barn, a swimming pool, and a pool house. Homes of this caliber in the area have fetched prices around $2 million.

Philanthropic Endeavors

Cris Collinsworth is not just about sports and business; he’s also dedicated to making a difference. He runs the “Proscan Fund,” an organization that battles breast cancer by offering education, support systems, and early detection services, including free mammograms. Additionally, the “Proscan Fund” fosters children’s self-esteem through sportsmanship and critical thinking.

In conclusion, Cris Collinsworth’s journey from an NFL star to a renowned sports commentator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist is a testament to his versatile talents and dedication.

His career and investments have resulted in a substantial net worth, but it’s his commitment to making a positive impact that truly sets him apart. With a legacy that extends beyond the field and the broadcasting booth, Collinsworth continues to inspire and make a meaningful difference in the world.

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