In the animated TV show “Spongebob SquarePants,” Mr. Krabs is one of the most well-known figures. Eugene Harold Krabs is the full name of the character, and the voice of the character is done by Clancy Brown. He is one of the most important people in the show, along with Spongebob and Squidward.
In 2021, rumors started to spread on the internet that the series’ beloved Krabs had suddenly died. Characters from the cartoon show were responsible for the death. So let’s find out what happened and if Eugene really died or if it was all a trick. Let’s find out How Did Mr. Krabs Die.
Who Is Mr. Krabs?
One of the main characters in the cartoon TV show “Spongebob SquarePants” is Mr. Krabs, whose full name is Eugene Harold Krabs. Clancy Brown is the person who gives the character’s voice.
Krabs owns the famous fast-food restaurant Krusty Krab, which is in the city of Bikini Bottom, which is underground. He and his teenage daughter Pearl, who is a sperm whale, live in a hollow anchor.
One thing about Krabs is that he is greedy and concerned with money, and he doesn’t like to spend it. He loves his daughter, though, and will often do anything to make her happy. The character is a single dad, and both reviewers and audiences have liked him.
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How Did Mr. Krabs Die?
A story from 2021 said that Krabs had died out of the blue. The Trial of SpongeBob SquarePants, a PDF that went viral, says that he is found dead in his restaurant with his throat cut open. A metal spatula that was found near his body caused it, according to an exam.
On his back, there were signs of blunt force injuries, and Spongebob’s footprints were on the dirty floor. The cash register was empty, and the secret recipe for Krabby Patties was also missing.
People have said that Plankton, the owner of Chum Bucket, or Plankton might have killed Krabs since the paper went viral. But it was all just a story, and our favorite character showed up in the 13th season.
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