Increase in Social Security 2022: When Will the New Payments Start

Social Security Administration announced the biggest boost in beneficiaries in 39 years. The 5.9% increase in the cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) will be applied from 2022.

The administration will be soon sending out letters to beneficiaries regarding the annual boost to their monthly payments.

On the reports of GoBankingRates, it is said that, if your birth date falls between the 1st to the 10th of the month, your benefits will be received on the second Wednesday of the month. For those whose birth date is on the 11th through the 20th, you will receive your benefits on the third Wednesday of every month. For the individuals with birth dates from 21st to 31st of the month, you will be paid your benefits on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

When You’ll Receive Payments for 2021

The first scheduled Social Security for the month of December will be paid on Wednesday, December 8 for those whose birthday falls between the 1st to 10th of the month. Next, will be paid on December 15 for those whose birth dates are between 11th to 20th. The rest of the payment will be done by December 22 for those whose birth dates fall from 21st to 31st.

Plan your retirement aid and avail yourself of the social security benefits online through my SocialSecurity function. Apply for retirement benefits and take care of almost all the future benefits entirely online. All you are going to need is a personal identification document.

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