Smuggler Drops 4-Year-Old Boy from Border Barrier in San Diego, Unbelievable Footage Inside!

A new video from the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego shows a 4-year-old boy being dropped by a man who looks to be a smuggler from atop a barrier.

U.S. Border Patrol officer Raul Ortiz posted the video to Twitter on Monday, although authorities believe the incident actually occurred on May 15.

The video shows an unidentified individual lowering the youngster over the fence and then dropping them. A short time later, a second victim is also dropped.

The news can be confirmed by the tweet below:

The toddler in the video can be seen patiently standing aside as instructed. According to Ortiz, the infant received care from agents at the site and is likely to recover. He added that agents had also heard gunfire while attempting to aid the kid.

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