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Teachers Say Arming Themselves Would Make Schools More Dangerous

Teachers Say Arming Themselves Would Make Schools More Dangerous

Teachers Say Arming Themselves Would Make Schools More Dangerous

According to a recent RAND Corporation research, 1 in 5 teachers nationwide indicate they would be interested in bringing a gun to school, but more than half of all teachers nationwide believe that arming themselves would make students less safe.

According to the survey, which was conducted in October and November, 54% of US teachers believe that allowing teachers to carry weapons would make schools less secure, 20% think that programs allowing teachers to carry weapons would make schools safer, and 26% are undecided.

According to the race and ethnicity of both instructors and children, the report focused on how K–12 teachers felt about safety in their classrooms. According to study results, male instructors in rural schools claimed they would personally carry a firearm in their school if allowed, and White teachers believed carrying firearms would make schools safer than their Black counterparts did.

CNN confirms the news:

Teachers Willing to Carry Guns

According to the survey, 550,000 of the 3 million K–12 educators in the nation say they would choose to carry a gun to work.

The argument concerning arming American teachers is not new, and it is frequently reignited in the wake of the hundreds of school shootings that have occurred in the country in recent years.

However, having an armed adult on campus does not always indicate that the bloodshed will end quickly. This was brought home this week in the trial of the former Parkland, Florida, school resource officer who is being prosecuted for his role in the 2018 shooting.

Bullying, however, is the most prevalent safety worry for about half of all instructors, according to the research, aside from active shooters. The survey states that following that, high school teachers were most frequently worried about drug use and student conflicts.

According to the research, primary teachers were more frequently concerned about violence towards teachers, while middle school teachers placed self-harm as their top concern.

The analysis indicated that only 5% of instructors believed physical security measures at their schools, such as locks, ID badges, cameras, and security personnel, had a detrimental impact on the school climate. Roughly half of the teachers questioned disagreed.

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As a result of the Texas school massacre in May 2022, according to a separate study taken in the fall, 70% of school district administrators claimed they have boosted their investments in school safety measures.

According to the survey, teachers expressed greater concern for their kids’ safety than for their own.

Researchers identified many topics for additional investigation after examining the survey’s results, including looking at districts or schools that implemented teacher-carry programs at an early stage to:

• Check out how they function in real life;

• Create strategies for school safety and security planning that could strike a balance between common, low-level school violence like bullying and rare, high-level school violence like shootings;

• And perform a thorough cost-benefit analysis of teacher-carry programs to determine the true financial implications to schools and states.

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