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Teen Shot Accidentally While Playing With Gun

Teen Shot Accidentally While Playing With Gun

Teen Shot Accidentally While Playing With Gun

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office went to 7200 Arlington Expressway, where a person had been shot.

When the police got there, they saw a 16-year-old boy who had been shot in the leg. He was taken to the hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening.

Officers found that the 16-year-old was hanging out with five other teens in an apartment without an adult there.

The tweet below verifies the news:

JSO says the teens had access to a gun and played with it in a way that made it go off.

From what we know, the accident did not happen on purpose.

The kids tried to clean up what had happened.

Trying to change proof led to a person being caught. There may be more charges to come out of the study.

The guy who was caught is between 12 and 16 years old.

If you are interested in learning more about this subject, I suggest checking out the following links:

Detectives for violent crimes and crime scenes have come to the scene and are now looking into what happened.

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