While many dog owners do whatever they can to aid the health, well-being, and happiness of their pets, there are sometimes diseases that can spread among dogs and can prove very dangerous. One such disease is canine parvovirus, and this is an extremely contagious canine disease that can potentially lead to death in some dogs such as puppies and unvaccinated pets. In fact, for many dog owners, the word parvovirus strikes fear into their hearts, but you can take steps to protect your dog from this disease.
Naturally, you want to protect your pet against problems such as parvo, as if your dog has parvo it can cause a range of problems and could even prove fatal. Fortunately, there are some key steps that you can take in order to step up protection for your pet and reduce the risk of your dog getting this terrible canine disease. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to protect your dog from parvo and how to get help.
What You Can Do
There are various steps that you can take in order to protect your pet from parvo, and it is important to think ahead because once this disease takes hold, it can prove serious. Some of the steps you should look at are:
Get Your Pet Vaccinated
One thing to remember is that parvo can be particularly dangerous for dogs that are not vaccinated, so one thing you should do is to ensure your dog has the relevant vaccinations and that they are up to date. Research has shown that parvo is more prevalent in areas with a large population of unvaccinated dogs, and it is important to ensure you provide that extra layer of protection by getting your pet inoculated.
Be Aware of the Symptoms
Another thing that you should do is to ensure you are familiar with the symptoms of this illness, as you can then get a better idea of whether your dog or another dog your pet mixes with might have parvo. You can then take the necessary steps as soon as possible such as isolating your pet or keeping it away from other dogs that are displaying symptoms. Among the common symptoms are smelly stools, bloody diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, and weight loss. If you suspect your dog might have parvo based on these symptoms, make sure you speak to a vet as soon as possible. If you suspect another dog might have parvo, keep your pet away from them and their environment.
Keep Your Dog Away from Suspected Cases
As mentioned above, this is a disease that is highly contagious, and if you want to protect your dog, you must keep it away from suspected cases of parvo. So, if you think that the dogs or family members, friends, or other dogs that your pet mixes with might have parvo, keep your pooch away from them and their environment.
These are some of the steps that you can take if you want to protect your dog from parvo.