A Woman From Florida Who Was Bitten By A Shark Off The Gulf Coast Needed 14 Stitches

A shark bit a swimmer off the coast of Florida’s Gulf Coast near St. Petersburg last weekend, requiring 14 stitches.

We jumped off the boat, swam around, and floated for a while. Natalie Branda, 26, told FOX 13 Tampa Bay this week, “I’m just having a good time.

Last Saturday while attending a friend’s birthday party, Branda said she splashed the water and then felt pressure on her upper thigh before realizing she had been bitten.

“All I remember is feeling pressure, and then it released, and I said, ‘I got bit.'” She told the news channel, “I swam the fastest I’ve ever swam to the boat.

Photos of the bite revealed that it extended all the way from her bottom to her belly button. Her friend Allie Mucks claimed that after treating her injuries, they hurried back to the dock and dialed 911.

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When Branda turned around, “everyone on the boat was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s not that bad,’ and I could only see my stomach at the time,” she recalled.

We are breaking into their house, she continued. Although it’s awful that this happened, you have to respect animals when you enter and interact with them in their habitat.

It’s uncommon for someone to experience that and only need a few stitches, Mucks continued.

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